The new phone books are here, The new phone books are here!....
Well everyone has finally reported to the Fitch Park for the start of spring training and we don't even have to wait for Sammy's late arrival this year to a myriad of excuses. Frankly, I am overcome with nothing at this point. As the glorious moment known as opening day comes closer I'll get more towards the wet-my-pants excitement level, but it's still February for God's sake. Out of all the training camps in the professional sports baseball's has to be the most unimportant. Back in the day when guys worked second jobs in the winter and didn't work out year round, there was a need for a 5 week training period to get into playing shape and to fight for jobs on the team. Now guys train year round and are virtually guaranteed spots with all the money they make. But it's tradition and as we all know baseball must follow its tradition to the T.
Despite the laziness of the time of year we're in, there is some Cubbie news to be had. Last week the team reworked Nomar's one year deal to include an extra $250,000 in the base, while cutting his bonus for 130 games started. What was the point of this maneuver, who the hell knows, it doesn't really change the total, unless Nomar doesn't plan on playing, and what will an extra $250,000 guaranteed to a man with his riches mean? But if it makes him happier, more power to the deal.
Acting true to his word to try and fix the situation between himself and Sammy Sosa now that it is meaningless, Dusty Baker called the Cubs all-time home run leader last Wednesday. After some idle chatter Baker said he asked, "Hey man, I'm still bewildered about what happened and why,' to which Sosa responded 'It's in the past, good luck and god bless you." I'm glad that Dusty found the time to clear the air with Sosa, and that Sammy was desperate to explain his end of things - we don't need him coming to camp upset. Oh wait, I forgot, he was traded three weeks ago, how could I have forgotten that. I really cannot think of a reason for him to do this and announce it to the media. The only reason for him to call Sosa is to satisfy his own questions about it, but if it was more than a media-hyped event, he would have done this before Sosa was traded. I am going to be praying this year that Dusty actually controls this clubhouse somewhat this season, because even with the dismissal of the 'problems' from last year's club, if the team gets off to a slow start or has a rough stretch during the year they will need a strong field general to get them through it - something Dusty hasn't proved to be yet in his tenure with the Cubs.

Speaking of field generals, they're only as good as the leaders below them. Not only did Todd Walker think that Sosa was the leader last year, he is also of the opinion that there will be 25 leaders next season on the team, not one or two head guys in the clubhouse. Sorry Todd, but if that happens this team will fall apart in the first month of the season. Twenty-five leaders means being lead in 25 different directions, which means being pulled in 25 different ways, which means maybe 25 wins on the season. Well not that low, but you get the point. You know you're not going to be able to count on Nomar leading the team this season, as he already has said in his first locker room media conference today that, "I'm definently not the face of this organization," while deferring to other Cubs like Woodie, Prior, and Michael Barrett as guys who 'represent the team well.'

The more I look at this season the more I seem to have the feeling that Jim Hendry has created it to be a one year experiment which can be blown up if it doesn't work out. Nomar, Walker, Jeromy Burnitz all have one year deals, while Jerry Hairston can be let go through arbitration. Hendry likes the core of this team which will be around for a while: Derek Lee, Aramis Ramirez, Barrett, Corey Patterson, Prior, Wood, and Carlos Zambrano should all be here for the next five seasons at least. If the formula doesn't work this season my guess is he'll change the parts for the next. Eventually he will have to give up some of the minor league talent in the system to fill these holes, but we will have to cross that bridge once we get there.
Come on down....

The 2nd annual Cubs Blog Army prediction contest is finally here for the 2005 season. Take a look at the rules and then answer the questions. There are two divisions, one for owners of sites in the CBA and one for readers of those sites. You guys can email the answers to Good luck on the contest as there will be Cubbie prizes at the end that are yet to be determined.
1- The contest is open to all CBA readers and bloggers. There are separate divisions for each.
2- All responses must be emailed to and received no later than noon CST on Opening Day, Monday April 4.
3- All entries must include the full name of the person entering.
4- All entries for the blogger division of the contest must include the name of the blog.
5- Any blogger whose blog goes dormant will have their entry moved to the readers division.
6- Once an entry response is received, it can be changed only by sending a complete new set of answers in an email that requests that the new answers replace the old answers.
7- All questions refer to events occurring between the first pitch and last play of the Cubs 2005 regular season.
8- Rookie eligibility follows the rules of the Rookie of the Year voting. If your choice is not-rookie eligible you will get no points.
9- Ties will be decided by closest entry to Q#1, then Q#2, then Q#3, proceeding as far down the list as necessary.
10- Prizes for the winners of each division will be announced once I decide what they will be.
11-All decisions made by the contest organizer are final.
1- How many games will the Cubs win? (30 points minus 2 for each game off)
2- What place will the Cubs finish in the Central? (5 points for correct answer)
3- How many runs will the Cubs score? (30 points minus 1 for each five runs off)
4- How many runs will the Cubs allow? (30 points minus 1 for each five runs off)
5- How many Cubs will make the All-Star game? (5 points for correct answer)
Offensive Leaders (5 points for correct answer)
6- Who will lead the Cubs in batting average? (min 3.1 PA per game, hitless AB added as necessary)7- Who will lead the Cubs in OBP? (min 3.1 PA per game, hitless AB added as necessary)
8- Who will lead the Cubs in SLG? (min 3.1 PA per game, hitless AB added as necessary)
9- Who will lead the Cubs in HR?
10- Who will lead the Cubs in runs?
11- Who will lead the Cubs in RBI?
12- Who will lead the Cubs in stolen bases?
13- Who will lead the Cubs in caught stealings?
14- Who will lead the Cubs in stolen base percentage (min 5 attempts)?
Pitching Leaders (5 points for correct answer)
15- Who will lead the Cubs in IP?
16- Who will lead the Cubs in wins?
17- Who will lead the Cubs in losses?
18- Who will lead the Cubs in saves?
19- Who will lead the Cubs in holds?
20- Who will lead the Cubs in ERA (min 100 IP)?
21- Who will lead the Cubs in K?
22- Who will lead the Cubs in BB?
23- Who will lead the Cubs in CG?
Fielding Questions (5 points for correct answer)
24- Who will lead the Cubs in outfield assists?
25- Who will lead the Cubs in fielding percentage among 2B, 3B, and SS? (min 150 total chances)
Bonus Questions (10 points for correct answer)
26- Name a Cub that will make the All-Star team.
27- Name a Cub (majors or minors) that will be traded out of the organization.
28- Name a non-Cub (majors or minors) that will be traded into the organization.
29- Name the rookie that will get the most plate appearances for the Cubs.
30- Name the rookie that will throw the most innings for the Cubs.
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